Monday, July 12, 2010

Uni Work

The past two days have been filled with work for uni. For my E-Marketing class group work we have to do a marketing plan to launch a fictional new online business. We decided to launch an online lollipop personalising business! Then for our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) course group work we have to analyze the CMR strategy used by a company so we chose My M&Ms, a company with a lot of overlap with our fictional lollipop business. This way we can maximize the industry analysis for both. The key here is efficiency! The sooner we are done with these reports, the sooner the sightseeing, eating out and shopping can continue :)

I've needed very little sleep since I've been here. I average about 5 hours of sleep each night. You would think i would be more productive as a result.... hmm. My point is, I'm going to try and get as much work done at night so as not to cut into daytime activities. Tomorrow's plan:
...tough life...

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